Breakfast Set
Breakfast is known as the kick-start of the day as it gives us more strength and stamina to work ourselves through daily lives. Many people had the misconception that breakfast is meant to be skipped as though they fear that breakfast builds up fat and put them out of shape. This is not a healthy habit of lifestyle. They may ended up being less healthy and less productive in their working hours as without breakfast they do not have carbs and may resolve to tiredness and fatique. Thus, having a proper breakfast will always be a great start right now as it is not too late yet.
Speaking of breakfast, Sunshine Café do offer some value sets which is quite reasonable to the price and they consist of various combinations such as sausages, hams, toasts, bread steamed with planta & kaya, red beans and so on. Additional coffee can be added to promote more alertness to a person before starting a day’s work. For instance, a set might consist of a the rightful amount of carbohydrate, protein and also some vitamins so as these portion of nutrients will be the energy generated and stored in a person’s body, guaranteeing he or she will never be likely to consume junk food before lunch time.
Thus, avoiding this junk food will indirectly minus the unwanted oil, fat and also bad nutrients that will not only make a person look fat, but will be posing a great impact to the internal body as well. Therefore, having a good set of breakfast will give you a rapid “fast break”.
The breakfast sold at Sunshine Café is comprised of Sausage & Ham Set, Toasted Bread, Steamed Bread, Sandwich and all the sets are bundled with a free cup White Coffee. Prices ranged from RM 2.80 to RM 3.80 for every breakfast set served.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
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Science and Technology
8:48 PM
Fish Porridge
Many people would say “nah” to porridge orders as porridge is meant for old people and for those who like to eat low calory food. When we are speaking of a “good” bowl of porridge, texture and taste are taken into serious considerations. For instance, the texture of the porridge surface must neither too watery nor too thick. Furthermore the thickness of the gravy can be judged based of the atmospheric temperature. If the temperature of the porridge drops, it may turn to watery and if the temperature is maintained at hot level, the porridge will be slightly thicker compared to the cool environment.
Speaking of the porridge or congee, it is derived from many various countries and due to this reason many cultures and races have other variations as well. In China, porridge is cooked by simply adding few dashes of soy sauce or pepper to enhance the taste. Porridge was famous during the world war days as many people were living in famine. They were living in days without sufficient food supply and some starved to death as the result of hunger. Porridge was the only thing they have and this dish had helped them to reduce the total loss.
Moreover, the other plus point is it is known as some kind of food therapy for the unwell as this food does not contain high level of calorie or fat, thus making it to break down easily once swallowed. Once the food had been broken down, they will be digested and nutrients can be easily absorbed to human body.
Well, numerous people may not know how porridge is formed. Usually, by simply putting a cup of rice into the rice cooker or a cooking pot and cook it hourly will get the task done. However, taste and surface are the tricks behind this historical dish. Like it is mentioned earlier, temperature and ingredients play extremely important role in completing a bowl of porridge. Main ingredients are to be added in order to bring the bowl of porridge to the next level.
At Sunshine Café, Fish Porridge is what we are about to serve. Deboned fish will be slightly fried and marinated with special ingredients so that the fishy smell can be cut down to the minimal level. The dish will be served with scallops and fried garlic so that taste can be varied too. A bowl of Fish Porridge will be served at the price of RM 2.80 each. Unbelievable? Believe it.
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Science and Technology
8:47 PM
Nasi Lemak with Chicken Curry
Nasi Lemak is already famous as it is one of the most popular cuisines in Malaysia. Usually, Nasi Lemak is prepared in the Malay cooking way where the quality rice is cooked together with santan, pandan leaves and other spices in order to boost the aromatic taste. We, as the Malaysians will never deny the fact that having a packet of Nasi Lemak for breakfast or lunch is not only a convenient way for the office workers but it can also fulfill the expectations of our appetite as they aren’t only low cost but they offer great taste too. Nowadays, people who sell nasi lemak usually do not practice the method of using pandan leaves as they are quite costly and sometimes they are quite difficult to be found. However, pandan leaves do offer the better taste as pandan leaves are usually obtained to complete the cooking of Nyonya dishes.
The nasi lemak which is served at Sunshine Café arrived as a plate of rice with Signature Item Chicken Curry and a Fried Egg. Additional sub options can be value-added but with the presence of Curry Chicken, it is more than enough to complete the perfection of Nasi Lemak. I bet you will never resist the taste when the curry sauce is sipped into the rice, making the rice flavor to double its spiciness and fragrance when it is eaten just like that. Therefore, Nasi Lemak is considered to be one of the wonders of Malaysia due to the hit popularity. The price of a plate of Nasi Lemak with a fried egg stands at RM 4.50 and additional side orders can be placed separately.
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Science and Technology
8:40 PM