Here goes the one of the signature items of Sunshine Café, namely the Signature Chicken Curry. There lies a great history behind this dish and there is no doubt that this is the dish that marks the opening of Sunshine Café. We as Malaysians do like to eat delicious and marvelous meals regardless of breakfast, lunch, dinner and even supper. So there is various variety of chicken curry in Malaysia and this is what makes us, the Malaysians truly Asian. The chicken curry which is served in this country has many unique and different tastes as there are countless ways of cooking directions.
At Sunshine Café, there is only one but it is the true meaning that lies behind the story of my Mother’s favourite dish. The plan of starting Sunshine Café is derived as we found out that setting up a food and beverage shop would be a very fascinating business as there is nothing happier and grateful than to see the smiling faces of everyone enjoying the food you cook. Well, this sentence is quoted by my Mother and she is the person who leads me and she’s the story of Sunshine Café. The delicious chicken curry is well prepared by my mother and there has been a long journey before the appearance of this dish at Sunshine Café. My mother is personally fond of cooking very much and it takes her abundant of time and hardship before she could finally prepare a dish of perfect chicken curry. She nearly gave up for not cooking previously as the meal she prepared doesn’t come to the perfection and met her requirement. She was sad and I can see the sorrows in her eyes when she was so disappointed with the imperfect dish she prepared for the family. However, due to the support and encouragement by the family, she decided to give it another try and another try and another try till the dish is ready to be served on top of the table. Here it is, countless hours of patience, determination and motivation the meal of Signature Chicken Curry is arrived and it is also claimed to be more healthy compared to other counterparts as our chicken curry is cooked with little amount of santan and it is partially replaced with the portion of fresh milk that will also tastes not only smoother but also gives higher amount of nutrients to our food intake. Therefore, there will be no compromise between the healthiness and taste of chicken curry.
The secret recipe which is invented by my mother will be applied on every single dish prepared at Sunshine Café and guaranteeing the people who had their first meal at Sunshine Café will definitely give it another chance to visit again.
The chicken curry with the gravy sauce will be served with a few ways of either Nasi lemak, Traditional Fried Noodles or Bread (for bread lovers that love toasted bread dipped with curry sauce). For the value meal of Chicken curry + Nasi Lemak + Fried Egg, it will only cost at RM 4.80. Last but not least, seeing is not believing and please do not hesitate to drop us a visit at Sunshine Café to know what’s the secret recipe that is inside the Signature Chicken curry.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Signature Item Chicken Curry
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Science and Technology
1:50 AM
Taiwanese Crispy Chicken Burger
In Malaysia, chicken burger is very famous among everyone of us as it looks so sumptuous, tasty and fresh when they are cooked on the spot. Many chicken burger stalls are everywhere ranging from street stalls to franchise outlets. Tastes and burger dressings varied from one place to another and the quality of the patty is also different. Some burgers are dressed with various sauces such as mayo, chilli sauce, Worcestershire, black pepper and so on.
At Sunshine Café, we serve Taiwanese Crispy Chicken burger where chicken patties are coated with crispy breadcrumbs and seasoned well with secret ingredients. After frying, the burger turns to golden brown and each bite will promise a mouth-watering experience for the customers who ordered it. Therefore, each bite will be irresistible as it is tend to be so crispy and yet so crunchy when it is savored. Moreover, chili powder will be dashed on top of the burger to trigger the spiciness level and more flavours can be induced. Burger buns which are pan fried with butter so that they will be enriched with churning milk or cream which will add more specialty to the taste itself.
Furthermore, a fried omelet egg will be added to the dish so that the burger looks bigger and able to add fullness to every customer who placed the order. Speaking of this Taiwanese Crispy Chicken Burger, the dish can be value-added for every order of it during the duration starting from 7 am till 12 pm daily where a cup of either White Coffee or Milo will be given too at the price of RM 3.80. The stand-alone version of this dish will be priced at RM 3.30. So, please make a move and hurry to Sunshine Café to grab this set as a wholesome breakfast.
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Science and Technology
12:51 AM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Breakfast Set
Breakfast is known as the kick-start of the day as it gives us more strength and stamina to work ourselves through daily lives. Many people had the misconception that breakfast is meant to be skipped as though they fear that breakfast builds up fat and put them out of shape. This is not a healthy habit of lifestyle. They may ended up being less healthy and less productive in their working hours as without breakfast they do not have carbs and may resolve to tiredness and fatique. Thus, having a proper breakfast will always be a great start right now as it is not too late yet.
Speaking of breakfast, Sunshine Café do offer some value sets which is quite reasonable to the price and they consist of various combinations such as sausages, hams, toasts, bread steamed with planta & kaya, red beans and so on. Additional coffee can be added to promote more alertness to a person before starting a day’s work. For instance, a set might consist of a the rightful amount of carbohydrate, protein and also some vitamins so as these portion of nutrients will be the energy generated and stored in a person’s body, guaranteeing he or she will never be likely to consume junk food before lunch time.
Thus, avoiding this junk food will indirectly minus the unwanted oil, fat and also bad nutrients that will not only make a person look fat, but will be posing a great impact to the internal body as well. Therefore, having a good set of breakfast will give you a rapid “fast break”.
The breakfast sold at Sunshine Café is comprised of Sausage & Ham Set, Toasted Bread, Steamed Bread, Sandwich and all the sets are bundled with a free cup White Coffee. Prices ranged from RM 2.80 to RM 3.80 for every breakfast set served.
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Science and Technology
8:48 PM
Fish Porridge
Many people would say “nah” to porridge orders as porridge is meant for old people and for those who like to eat low calory food. When we are speaking of a “good” bowl of porridge, texture and taste are taken into serious considerations. For instance, the texture of the porridge surface must neither too watery nor too thick. Furthermore the thickness of the gravy can be judged based of the atmospheric temperature. If the temperature of the porridge drops, it may turn to watery and if the temperature is maintained at hot level, the porridge will be slightly thicker compared to the cool environment.
Speaking of the porridge or congee, it is derived from many various countries and due to this reason many cultures and races have other variations as well. In China, porridge is cooked by simply adding few dashes of soy sauce or pepper to enhance the taste. Porridge was famous during the world war days as many people were living in famine. They were living in days without sufficient food supply and some starved to death as the result of hunger. Porridge was the only thing they have and this dish had helped them to reduce the total loss.
Moreover, the other plus point is it is known as some kind of food therapy for the unwell as this food does not contain high level of calorie or fat, thus making it to break down easily once swallowed. Once the food had been broken down, they will be digested and nutrients can be easily absorbed to human body.
Well, numerous people may not know how porridge is formed. Usually, by simply putting a cup of rice into the rice cooker or a cooking pot and cook it hourly will get the task done. However, taste and surface are the tricks behind this historical dish. Like it is mentioned earlier, temperature and ingredients play extremely important role in completing a bowl of porridge. Main ingredients are to be added in order to bring the bowl of porridge to the next level.
At Sunshine Café, Fish Porridge is what we are about to serve. Deboned fish will be slightly fried and marinated with special ingredients so that the fishy smell can be cut down to the minimal level. The dish will be served with scallops and fried garlic so that taste can be varied too. A bowl of Fish Porridge will be served at the price of RM 2.80 each. Unbelievable? Believe it.
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Science and Technology
8:47 PM
Nasi Lemak with Chicken Curry
Nasi Lemak is already famous as it is one of the most popular cuisines in Malaysia. Usually, Nasi Lemak is prepared in the Malay cooking way where the quality rice is cooked together with santan, pandan leaves and other spices in order to boost the aromatic taste. We, as the Malaysians will never deny the fact that having a packet of Nasi Lemak for breakfast or lunch is not only a convenient way for the office workers but it can also fulfill the expectations of our appetite as they aren’t only low cost but they offer great taste too. Nowadays, people who sell nasi lemak usually do not practice the method of using pandan leaves as they are quite costly and sometimes they are quite difficult to be found. However, pandan leaves do offer the better taste as pandan leaves are usually obtained to complete the cooking of Nyonya dishes.
The nasi lemak which is served at Sunshine Café arrived as a plate of rice with Signature Item Chicken Curry and a Fried Egg. Additional sub options can be value-added but with the presence of Curry Chicken, it is more than enough to complete the perfection of Nasi Lemak. I bet you will never resist the taste when the curry sauce is sipped into the rice, making the rice flavor to double its spiciness and fragrance when it is eaten just like that. Therefore, Nasi Lemak is considered to be one of the wonders of Malaysia due to the hit popularity. The price of a plate of Nasi Lemak with a fried egg stands at RM 4.50 and additional side orders can be placed separately.
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Science and Technology
8:40 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
French Toast
French Toast is originated from many places or countries with different kinds of variations in the cooking ways. However, in North America it is a very common breakfast among the citizens. The name of French Toast was known as German Toast and the name is modified to pain perdu that brings the meaning of (bread which is lost in egg). As it is stated earlier, different countries or races have different ingredients and this is how the variations are invented. The differences lie in terms of bread surface, cooking method, topping and also the way it is prepared.

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Science and Technology
1:11 AM
Signature Items
Traditional Fried Noodles and Mee Hoon
Yoohoo! To Fried Noodles as I am a great fan of Fried Noodles since I was a kid and I usually had a meal of noodles almost 3 or 4 days a week (lol). Without any doubt, I am noodle lover and I am still the one who enjoys this superb dish very much. However, the Traditional Fried Noodles which is served at Sunshine Café won’t be as dark or as spicy as those ones out there. The amount of salt will be slightly reduced due to various reasons. The first reason is that it will not only be eaten just like that as it will be accompanied with the Signature Item Curry Chicken so that it will be the best blend for the enhancement of the fried noodles. With the hot curry sauce that is immersed to the fried noodles, the aromatic taste will arise as the texture begin to turned to more salivating flavours and the taste started to grow more and more scrumptious. The second reason the amount of salt is reduced is to promote a healthy eating habit to everyone in the eating hall.
The fried noodles is prepared with a few types of sauce which is mixed together to form a main sauce so that the taste of the fried noodles will be equalized and spread evenly. The bonus here is that the fried noodles can also be eaten with the side order or the value order of a chicken or fish chop so that you guys may enjoy the greatness of chicken chop with fried noodles combo (there will also be an extra egg to add value to it). Needless to say that we, as Malaysians do like fried and grilled food very much as the taste will be more pleasing to have so many ingredients to be cooked to the extreme degree (which is very “geng”).This is why many will find out that majority of eateries will serve fried and grilled dishes as the demand is very high among us. Haha, let us “wok” the talk together by keeping this culture as popular as always. The Traditional Fried Noodles can also be served with many other sub orders such as fried Wan Ton, Sausages, Fish or Chicken Balls as well. The noodles are priced at RM 2.50 for small and RM 3.00 for large and side orders can be ordered differently to add different combination values to the dish as you picked.
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Science and Technology
1:01 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Signature Items
Signature Item Crispy Chicken Chop
Traveling around the country in the aim to seek a better western food which doesn’t only exhibits splendor taste but also sounds reasonable in terms on monetary value might be a tedious work. As for the chicken chop dish, it can be found in most of the western restaurants with decorative such as cabbages, sliced tomatoes, cucumber are put to enhance the attractiveness and there will be presence of French fries to complete the perfect dish. Many people from all walks of life love eating chicken chop regardless various cooking techniques like Oriental, Maryland and so on.
At Sunshine Café, the chicken chop will be fried till it is golden crispy on the texture of the coating. This coating must be done by carefully chosen ingredients to ensure that it will never be too hard when it is exposed to air and not to be too soft as it will be lack of crisp and crunchy feel. Thus a good mixture of different types of flour in the correct proportion will be the ideal choice to prepare a delicious chicken chop. Breadcrumbs is another good alternative which can increase the crispiness level of the chicken coating but it will be troublesome sometimes as it is easily fried to charred if the portion of breadcrumbs and temperature level is not carefully determined. The greatness of a piece of chicken chop lies beneath the marinating method used (we are dealing with herbs and spices here ^.^)
An overcooked chicken chop will never output a perfect chicken chop as the meat inside will be over-fried, leaving it rough and loss of tenderness. That is why many people who cooked at home will never get the best result out of it as the kitchen equipment is put into test. Using a non-stick frying pan will consume a great deal of time and many people would have chosen this to fry chicken and fishes as it provides a non-stick surface underneath it so that the meat won’t stick and making it charred. Some people may use stainless steel to fry it and some may have hard time figuring how to resolve the matter by having thoughts such as “ is it good to put more oil to prevent the chop from sticking to the pan ?”. This is even worse and try to imagine actually you swallow that great amount of oil portion and try to consider how “healthy” it is. Thus, the chicken chop will be best done using deep-fryers as it doesn’t only prevent pan sticking problem but also makes sure that the temperature control will be maintained very high and stable so that the chicken or fish will be equally cooked in all directions, preventing charred results that might be hazardous to our health.
Moreover, the sauce for every bite of the chicken chop will be extremely essential so that every chunk of chicken will be savoured with sauce. There will be options of Black Pepper, Thai, Herbal, Mushroom and also the Tomato sauce which will be served with the order of the customer. This gives a golden opportunity for the people who liked to eat chicken chop in their own ways instead of eating only with the original tomato sauce. Moreover, the chicken chop will be served together with Nasi Lemak, Traditional Fried Noodles, or French Fries pricing reasonably well at RM 8.50.
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Science and Technology
4:27 PM