French Toast
French Toast is originated from many places or countries with different kinds of variations in the cooking ways. However, in North America it is a very common breakfast among the citizens. The name of French Toast was known as German Toast and the name is modified to pain perdu that brings the meaning of (bread which is lost in egg). As it is stated earlier, different countries or races have different ingredients and this is how the variations are invented. The differences lie in terms of bread surface, cooking method, topping and also the way it is prepared.

In western countries they prefer dipping their “real” French bread into egg and cook by adding sugar, herbs and syrups. In Asian countries such as Hong Kong, the bread can be a normal Sandwich Bread that is usually topped with peanut butter and so on. Furthermore, French Toast is prepared in Portugal, Spain, France and so many other places and this is why the variations kept on adding and new recipes are invented to continue the legacy of this popular dish since 1918. At Sunshine CafĂ©, French Toast is prepared in a more Asian manner as the bread will be cooked thoroughly with beaten eggs and the toppings that are used to apply on the bread will be juicy together with aromatic taste. By the time the bread is chewed, the juiciness of the peanut butter, butter and many other toppings will give a magnificent savoury taste. The price of each set of French Toast will be set at RM 3.50.
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